How to customize names in "Add" button dropdown in the PropertyGrid custom collection editor
See the question and my original answer on StackOverflowI don't think this is possible directly from the property grid's code. However, you can use a TypeDelegator to trick the system and force it to use for example your DisplayName attribute in lieu of the type's Name property it uses by default.
1) create a custom TypeDelegator, like this:
class MyTypeDelegator : TypeDelegator
public MyTypeDelegator(Type delegatingType)
: base(delegatingType)
public override string Name
var dna = (DisplayNameAttribute)typeImpl.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(DisplayNameAttribute));
return dna != null ? dna.DisplayName : typeImpl.Name;
2) modify CreateNewItemTypes() like this:
protected override Type[] CreateNewItemTypes()
return new Type[] { new MyTypeDelegator(typeof(Item1)), new MyTypeDelegator(typeof(Item2)) };
Now, you should see the display names instead of the name in the menu.