How to get a value out of a Span<T> with Linq expression trees?
See the question and my original answer on StackOverflowI have a solution, but it's far from being ideal, as you'll see. We re-use C# syntactic sugar engine.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var spanGetter = typeof(Program).GetMethod("GetItem").MakeGenericMethod(typeof(float));
var myFloatSpan = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Span<float>), "s");
var myValue = Expression.Call(
var myAdd = Expression.Add(
var expr = Expression.Lambda<MyFunc>(myAdd, myFloatSpan).Compile();
var span = new Span<float>(new float[43]);
span[42] = 12.3456f;
Console.WriteLine(expr(span)); // -> 25.3456
// hopefully, this shouldn't be too bad in terms of performance...
// C# knows how to do compile this, while Linq Expressions doesn't
public static T GetItem<T>(Span<T> span, int index) => span[index];
// we need that because we can't use a Span<T> directly with Func<T>
// we could make it generic also I guess
public delegate float MyFunc(Span<float> span);