How to get pixel data from VideoMediaFrame.Direct3DSurface?
See the question and my original answer on StackOverflowYou can't define a C++/WinRT object pointer at the dll frontier, as at binary level, it's not a COM object (so C# is passing a COM object that's mapped to a C++/WinRT object, which is bad). What you can do instead is something like this:
void __stdcall Direct3DSurfaceAccess(
IUnknown* surface, // pass a raw COM object (here I use IUnknown)
char* message,
size_t messageLength
) {
try {
// map to a C++/WinRT object here
auto d3dSurface = convert_from_abi<winrt::Windows::Graphics::DirectX::Direct3D11::IDirect3DSurface>(surface);
winrt::com_ptr<::Windows::Graphics::DirectX::Direct3D11::IDirect3DDxgiInterfaceAccess> dxgiInterfaceAccess;
if (!d3dSurface.try_as(dxgiInterfaceAccess)) {
::sprintf_s(message, messageLength, "d3dSurface->try_as failed.");
// Call other d3dSurface method as a test.
auto desc = d3dSurface.Description();
comes from here convert_from_abi function
and in this case, you can define the interop function like this:
private static extern void Direct3DSurfaceAccess([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] object d3dSurface);