How to make System.Uri not to unescape %2f (slash) in path?
See the question and my original answer on StackOverflowIt keeps the original string internally, for example, the following code:
Uri u = new Uri("");
will display
EDIT: I have update the code found in the Connect Link Workaround for recent .NET versions. Here it is:
// System.UriSyntaxFlags is internal, so let's duplicate the flag privately
private const int UnEscapeDotsAndSlashes = 0x2000000;
private const int SimpleUserSyntax = 0x20000;
public static void LeaveDotsAndSlashesEscaped(Uri uri)
if (uri == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("uri");
FieldInfo fieldInfo = uri.GetType().GetField("m_Syntax", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (fieldInfo == null)
throw new MissingFieldException("'m_Syntax' field not found");
object uriParser = fieldInfo.GetValue(uri);
fieldInfo = typeof(UriParser).GetField("m_Flags", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (fieldInfo == null)
throw new MissingFieldException("'m_Flags' field not found");
object uriSyntaxFlags = fieldInfo.GetValue(uriParser);
// Clear the flag that we don't want
uriSyntaxFlags = (int)uriSyntaxFlags & ~UnEscapeDotsAndSlashes;
uriSyntaxFlags = (int)uriSyntaxFlags & ~SimpleUserSyntax;
fieldInfo.SetValue(uriParser, uriSyntaxFlags);
Of course, it's a hack, so you should use it at your own risks :-)