See the question and my original answer on StackOverflow

Here's a code that replaces the program's main code and COM class factory and is compatible with .NET 8 AOT (so with runtime marshalling disabled) and the newer ComWrappers source generation:

using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling;
using Microsoft.Windows.Widgets.Providers;
using WinRT;

// AOT: declare we disable runtime marshalling to enable early compilation errors
[assembly: DisableRuntimeMarshalling]

namespace ConsoleApp;

// AOT, COM Source wrapper generator: don't use implicit root class or face unexpected ERROR_BAD_FORMAT exceptions
internal partial class Program
    // AOT: use LibraryImport
    public static partial IntPtr GetConsoleWindow();

    // AOT: don't use 'object' for IUnknown parameters
    public static partial int CoRegisterClassObject(in Guid rclsid, IntPtr pUnk, uint dwClsContext, uint flags, out uint lpdwRegister);

    public static partial int CoRevokeClassObject(uint dwRegister);

    static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Registering Widget Provider");

        // ask for the widget provider's IUnknown pointer
        var provider = new WidgetProviderFactory<WidgetProvider>();
        var comWrappers = new StrategyBasedComWrappers();
        var unk = comWrappers.GetOrCreateComInterfaceForObject(provider, CreateComInterfaceFlags.None);

        CoRegisterClassObject(CLSID_Factory, unk, 0x4, 0x1, out var cookie);
        Console.WriteLine("Registered successfully. Press ENTER to exit.");

        if (GetConsoleWindow() != IntPtr.Zero)
            Console.WriteLine("Registered successfully. Press ENTER to exit.");
            // Wait until the manager has disposed of the last widget provider.
            using (var emptyWidgetListEvent = WidgetProvider.GetEmptyWidgetListEvent())

            _ = CoRevokeClassObject(cookie);

    // AOT: use GeneratedComInterface
    [GeneratedComInterface, Guid(Guids.IClassFactory)]
    public partial interface IClassFactory
        int CreateInstance(IntPtr pUnkOuter, in Guid riid, out IntPtr ppvObject);

        // AOT: mark .NET's bool as UnmanagedType.Bool (Win32 BOOL)
        int LockServer([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool fLock);

    // AOT: use GeneratedComClass
    public partial class WidgetProviderFactory<T> : IClassFactory where T : IWidgetProvider, new()
        public int CreateInstance(IntPtr pUnkOuter, in Guid riid, out IntPtr ppvObject)
            ppvObject = IntPtr.Zero;
            if (pUnkOuter != IntPtr.Zero)

            if (riid == typeof(T).GUID || riid == Guid.Parse(Guids.IUnknown))
                // Create the instance of the .NET object
                ppvObject = MarshalInspectable<IWidgetProvider>.FromManaged(new T());
                // The object that ppvObject points to does not support the interface identified by riid.
            return 0;

        int IClassFactory.LockServer(bool fLock) => 0;

        private const int CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION = -2147221232;
        private const int E_NOINTERFACE = -2147467262;


    static class Guids
        public const string IClassFactory = "00000001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046";
        public const string IUnknown = "00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046";

And my .csproj:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


      <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK" Version="1.6.240923002" />


Few remarks (also highlighted in code as comments):

  • Don't use the implicit/top level program structure (like in the provided sample) for AOT compilation. This causes unexpected ERROR_BAD_FORMAT (0x8007000B) errors at runtime on first COM call like CoRegisterClassObject (although it seems to compile ok...), declare a real class like the usual "Program" for example in a real namespace.
  • declare assembly: DisableRuntimeMarshalling so you'll catch error at compilation time and avoid later surprises.
  • Use LibraryImport instead of DllImport (and methods declaration must be partial instead of extern)
  • Don't use [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] object pUnk parameters but use raw IntPtr instead (for IUnknown).
  • Use GeneratedComInterface and GeneratedComClass on COM interfaces and COM classes (and make them partial so the source generator can do its job)