Reading, grouping and sorting nodes in an html doc using agility pack
See the question and my original answer on StackOverflowI suggest you learn a bit of XPATH which is supported by the Html Agility Pack, and allows for concise queries over the HTML DOM. For example, the following code:
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
HtmlNode node = doc.GetElementbyId("ab100_ab100_ab100_Main_Sub_Sub_objComponent");
foreach (HtmlNode row in node.SelectNodes(".//div[@class='row']"))
Will output this:
First Name:Albert Trebla
Second Year:
Classy Stuff:7
Weather:Cloudy - Might Rain
Front Text:OpenedThe shop is opened when the bridges are lowered.
Flavor:"This taste good!"
if you need HTML inside the value or label div, then you can again issue XPATH queries from there.