Where is default protocol mapping stored in WCF
See the question and my original answer on StackOverflowI believe the defaults are implemented in code, not in .config file, if you look at the ProtocolMappingSection Class, method InitializeDefault with a tool such as Reflector or equivalent, you will see this:
protected override void InitializeDefault()
this.ProtocolMappingCollection.Add(new ProtocolMappingElement("http", "basicHttpBinding", ""));
this.ProtocolMappingCollection.Add(new ProtocolMappingElement("net.tcp", "netTcpBinding", ""));
this.ProtocolMappingCollection.Add(new ProtocolMappingElement("net.pipe", "netNamedPipeBinding", ""));
this.ProtocolMappingCollection.Add(new ProtocolMappingElement("net.msmq", "netMsmqBinding", ""));