Why does my MenuStrip appear in the incorrect Location on first click?
See the question and my original answer on StackOverflowI have the same problem (I'm using Visual Studio 2010 SP1, and C#). I don't think we did anything wrong, it looks like a Winforms bug to me.
I fixed it like this:
1) I have unset (using the visual designer) the DropDown
property of the main strip item.
2) I have defined the Opening event on the contextMenuStrip, and the DropDownOpening event on the main strip item like this:
private void toolStripMyMenuItem_DropDownOpening(object sender, EventArgs e)
toolStripMyMenuItemMyLists.DropDown = contextMenuStrip;
private void contextMenuStrip_Opening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
toolStripMyMenuItemMyLists.DropDown = contextMenuStrip;
And I don't have this problem anymore. Hope it will help you too :-)