C# - Get last known parent from USB device property details
See the question and my original answer on StackOverflowThe "last known parent" property key is undocumented as of today. It's name is DEVPKEY_Device_LastKnownParent
and it's value is {83DA6326-97A6-4088-9453-A1923F573B29} 10
And Win32_PnPEntity
has a GetDeviceProperties method that you can use to read any property using it's key name.
So, here is a sample console C# code that dumps it (and the friendly name) for all devices in the system:
foreach (var mo in new ManagementObjectSearcher(null, "SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity").Get().OfType<ManagementObject>())
// ask for 2 properties
var args = new object[] { new string[] { "DEVPKEY_Device_FriendlyName", "DEVPKEY_Device_LastKnownParent" }, null };
// or this works too using the PK's value formatted as string
//var args = new object[] { new string[] { "DEVPKEY_Device_FriendlyName", "{83DA6326-97A6-4088-9453-A1923F573B29} 10" }, null };
// call Win32_PnPEntity.GetDeviceProperties
mo.InvokeMethod("GetDeviceProperties", args);
var mbos = (ManagementBaseObject[])args[1]; // one mbo for each device property key
var name = mbos[0].Properties.OfType<PropertyData>().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Data")?.Value;
if (name != null)
var parent = mbos[1].Properties.OfType<PropertyData>().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Data")?.Value;
Console.WriteLine(" " + parent);