c# - How can I extract a FAT Disk Image?
See the question and my original answer on StackOverflowHere is some modifications that you can add to DiscUtils
to support FAT LFN
First, make these changes to the Fat\Directory.cs
file, like this (you need to add the _lfns
variable, the GetLfnChunk
function, and modify the existing LoadEntries
function to add the lines marked with //+++
internal Dictionary<string, string> _lfns = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private static string GetLfnChunk(byte[] buffer)
// see http://home.teleport.com/~brainy/lfn.htm
// NOTE: we assume ordinals are ok here.
char[] chars = new char[13];
chars[0] = (char)(256 * buffer[2] + buffer[1]);
chars[1] = (char)(256 * buffer[4] + buffer[3]);
chars[2] = (char)(256 * buffer[6] + buffer[5]);
chars[3] = (char)(256 * buffer[8] + buffer[7]);
chars[4] = (char)(256 * buffer[10] + buffer[9]);
chars[5] = (char)(256 * buffer[15] + buffer[14]);
chars[6] = (char)(256 * buffer[17] + buffer[16]);
chars[7] = (char)(256 * buffer[19] + buffer[18]);
chars[8] = (char)(256 * buffer[21] + buffer[20]);
chars[9] = (char)(256 * buffer[23] + buffer[22]);
chars[10] = (char)(256 * buffer[25] + buffer[24]);
chars[11] = (char)(256 * buffer[29] + buffer[28]);
chars[12] = (char)(256 * buffer[31] + buffer[30]);
string chunk = new string(chars);
int zero = chunk.IndexOf('\0');
return zero >= 0 ? chunk.Substring(0, zero) : chunk;
private void LoadEntries()
_entries = new Dictionary<long, DirectoryEntry>();
_freeEntries = new List<long>();
_selfEntryLocation = -1;
_parentEntryLocation = -1;
string lfn = null; //+++
while (_dirStream.Position < _dirStream.Length)
long streamPos = _dirStream.Position;
DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(_fileSystem.FatOptions, _dirStream);
if (entry.Attributes == (FatAttributes.ReadOnly | FatAttributes.Hidden | FatAttributes.System | FatAttributes.VolumeId))
// Long File Name entry
_dirStream.Position = streamPos; //+++
lfn = GetLfnChunk(Utilities.ReadFully(_dirStream, 32)) + lfn; //+++
else if (entry.Name.IsDeleted())
// E5 = Free Entry
lfn = null; //+++
else if (entry.Name == FileName.SelfEntryName)
_selfEntry = entry;
_selfEntryLocation = streamPos;
lfn = null; //+++
else if (entry.Name == FileName.ParentEntryName)
_parentEntry = entry;
_parentEntryLocation = streamPos;
lfn = null; //+++
else if (entry.Name == FileName.Null)
// Free Entry, no more entries available
_endOfEntries = streamPos;
lfn = null; //+++
if (lfn != null) //+++
{ //+++
_lfns.Add(entry.Name.GetDisplayName(_fileSystem.FatOptions.FileNameEncoding), lfn); //+++
} //+++
_entries.Add(streamPos, entry);
lfn = null; //+++
Second, add these two public functions to the Fat\FatFileSystem.cs
file. They will be the new APIs to query on LFNs:
/// <summary>
/// Gets the long name of a given file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shortFullPath">The short full path to the file. Input path segments must be short names.</param>
/// <returns>The corresponding long file name.</returns>
public string GetLongFileName(string shortFullPath)
if (shortFullPath == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("shortFullPath");
string dirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(shortFullPath);
string fileName = Path.GetFileName(shortFullPath);
Directory dir = GetDirectory(dirPath);
if (dir == null)
return fileName;
string lfn;
if (dir._lfns.TryGetValue(Path.GetFileName(shortFullPath), out lfn))
return lfn;
return fileName;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the long path to a given file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shortFullPath">The short full path to the file. Input path segments must be short names.</param>
/// <returns>The corresponding long file path to the file or null if not found.</returns>
public string GetLongFilePath(string shortFullPath)
if (shortFullPath == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("shortFullPath");
string path = null;
string current = null;
foreach (string segment in shortFullPath.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))
if (current == null)
current = segment;
path = GetLongFileName(current);
current = Path.Combine(current, segment);
path = Path.Combine(path, GetLongFileName(current));
return path;
And that's it. Now, youll be able to dump a whole FAT disk recursively like this, for example:
static void Main(string[] args)
using (FileStream fs = File.Open("fat.ima", FileMode.Open))
using (FatFileSystem floppy = new FatFileSystem(fs))
static void Dump(DiscDirectoryInfo di)
foreach (DiscDirectoryInfo subdi in di.GetDirectories())
foreach (DiscFileInfo fi in di.GetFiles())
// get LFN name
Console.WriteLine(" " + ((FatFileSystem)di.FileSystem).GetLongFileName(fi.FullName));
// get LFN-ed full path
Console.WriteLine(" " + ((FatFileSystem)di.FileSystem).GetLongFilePath(fi.FullName));
Use at your own risks! :)