how to convert com instance to variant, to pass it in idispach invoke
See the question and my original answer on StackOverflowIf you want to use the VARIANT raw structure, you can code it like this:
v.pdispVal = pApp;
// later on, some code (this code or another code) will/should call this
VariantClear(&v); // implicitely calls pdispVal->Release();
Or, if you're using the Visual Studio development environment, then you can just use the _variant_t or CComVariant (ATL) smart wrappers which I recommend. In this case, you can just call it like this:
IDispatch *pApp = ...
// both wrappers will call appropriate methods
// and will release what must be, when destroyed
CComVariant cv = pApp;
// or
_variant_t vt = pApp;
PS: don't use both wrapper classes, make your choice. If a project uses ATL, I uses CComVariant
, otherwise _variant_t
, for example.